Basic Information

About WBE/MBE/VBE Certification

This page provides basic information about WBE/MBE/VBE certification. Also, please visit our FAQs page for answers to frequently asked questions.

The women business enterprise (WBE), minority business enterprise (MBE) and veteran business enterprise (VBE) certifications are based on the gender, race or veteran status of a business owner. Eligible candidates must have majority ownership and control of the business.

By law, majority ownership means at least 51 percent. Also by law, but perhaps less exact, is the concept of business control. A woman, minority or veteran has control of the business if she/he is the final decision maker or has delegated that authority to an employee, manager or partial owner. This control spans all aspects of business management including financial, production and contractual.

Most publicly-held and large private corporations track and/or have programs for doing business with women, minority and veteran business owners. In addition, the majority of local, state, and federal government agencies engage in supplier diversity initiatives. Having a certification is the only way purchasing agents can be confident a business is in fact woman, minority or veteran-owned and operated.

Certifications are obtained by meeting the necessary criteria as outlined in NWBOC’s Standards and Procedures.  Applicants are asked to provide detailed business information along with supporting documents. Once all documentation has been processed, a reviewer will facilitate a site visit to the applicant’s place of business.

Your company can apply for certification here on the NWBOC website.

NWBOC is the first national certifier of WBEs and provides national certification for women and veteran-owned companies.


Certification ensures that a private, for-profit company is truly owned and controlled by a woman and/or veteran.

Contact Info

Kansas Office

1400 Terradyne Drive,

Suite 309

Andover, Kansas 67002-9211


Michigan Office

401 Hall St. SW, Suite 112G

Grand Rapids, MI 49503


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