


Woman, Minority & Veteran Certification Resources and Answers



Why should a business entity apply for certification?

Certifications offer the business entity and the owner a chance to be vetted within the federal and state procurement arena. When certified, you are able to bid on open market solicitations that only a certified business and/or owner are able to submit proposals for. Even without a set-aside designation you are vetted, and this affords you a slight advantage on open market bids that do not contain a certification designation. These opportunities exist within the federal and state procurement systems.


What is the Woman Owned or 8(m) Program,
and what does your Industry have to do with the certification process?

The Women owned certifications (Woman Owned Small Business, WOSB and the Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business, EDWOSB) are unique as they are industry (product or service provision) specific. The US Census completes a survey at given intervals. The results represent the industry specific data where women owners, decisions makers, and upper executives are underrepresented, and thus need incentive to equalize the workforce. The NAICS codes that are designated for WOSB are also applicable to EDWOSB NAICS codes, however the EDWOSB NAICS codes are only available to the EDWOSB certification holders. Detailed information on the eligibility for the certifications follows below.


What are the minimum eligibility requirements for the business entity, and/or owner applying for certification?

• The Veteran, Woman, Economically Disadvantaged Woman, or Minority Woman; or combination of two Veterans, Women, or Minority status “Owner(s)” need to have uninterrupted decision making and control of the entity, strategic decision making, and all present and future actions of the entity, and have final say over all aspects of the internal affairs of the business. 51% or greater of assets, outstanding no par voting shares, or outstanding shares need to be owned and controlled by the owners applying.

• The Owner(s) applying need to hold the highest titled position within the firm. If two or more Women, Veterans, or Minorities are combining within the application they must hold the highest titled and paid positions within the firm.

• The Owner(s) applying need to work 32 – 40 hours or more per work week specific to the industry and government standards at the main head quarter location of the entity during the normal industry specific working hours within their industry segment.

• The Owner(s) applying must be United States Citizens, Naturalized United States Citizens, or Permanent United States Residents with proper unexpired legal evidence of their citizenship status. (Work Visas, and Green Cards are not acceptable to apply)

• The Owner(s) applying must be in uninterrupted control, the highest officer titled position, and within the highest compensated position for a minimum of 6 months’ time to show evidence they are within full control over the business and internal decision making.

• For EDWOSB the Owner(s) applying must be determined to be within a threshold of economic disadvantaged status. The thresholds that must be adhered to are as follows: Personal net worth (including spouse) of less than $750,000.00, her adjusted gross income for the past three-year period not to exceed $350,000.00, and the fair market value as determined through submission of SBA Form 941 (Personal Financial Reporting Form – Individual or Joint with Spouse) of all her (their) assets must not exceed $6 million dollars. (for further details on these thresholds or updates, please visit our resource page or www.sba.gov )


What are the costs associated with the application process for WOSB, EDWOSB, MBE, VBE Certifications?

There is an initial application fee of $400.00 payable to NWBOC upon submission of your initial application. This must be drafted from the business account presented within the application supporting documentation, and must be the operating checking account for the business applying. If you are applying for a combination of two certifications (WBE & MBE for example) There is a discount and it would be a combined cost of $700.00 payable in the same manner as mentioned above.


What is the length of time my entity will be certified?

The certification must be renewed each year. The date of award will be the renewal date. You will be notified prior to the deadline so you will have plenty of time to submit and major changes to your entity with supporting documentation. If no major changes occurred within the year then there is a simple form to fill out, and an initial renewal fee of $200.00 payable in the same manner as your initial application fee. Full instructions are provided within the renewal reminder notification you will receive. If your gross sales for the year are over $2 Million USD then the renewal fee will be $300.00, again payable in the same manner as mentioned above.


How do you determine Ownership during the application process?

This is determined through holdings of shares, stocks, or voting rights within most business structures. In other legal structures that do not utilize these designations, the ownership is determined by the majority control of the business assets: 51% or greater of the shares, stocks, voting rights, or assets must be owned by the certification designated Owner(s) applying.

• This is supported within the internal business filings and supporting documents submitted within your initial or renewal application.


How do you determine uninterrupted control of the entity applying?

• The Owner(s) applying with the designated certification type must control:

• 100% of a Sole Proprietorship

• 51% or greater equity control of a Partnership or General Partnership

• 51% or greater of all voting rights, stock, or shares of any/and all types of the entity must be controlled by the designated Owner(s)

• Sole Manager or Managing Member of a LLC entity, or 51% or greater control over the appointed Manager

• No agreements can exist that alter these thresholds within the entity

- These are all supported within the internal business filings and supporting documents submitted within your initial or renewal application.


Where can I find the applications for these Certifications?

You can download the simplified form type applications in PDF format from our Resource & Download section. The application will have detailed instructions and supporting document requirement check list specific to your legal structure and entity situation.


What entities can I use my new certification with?

Woman Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise, and Veteran Business Enterprise Certification holders typically deal with corporations, or business to business procurement vehicles within the commercial sector of the private arena. Some State entities will give a slight advantage to a certification holder when they submit a formal proposal through their designated vendor procurement system. There are County and Local governments that recognize the WBE, MBE, and VBE certifications as well.


I work from a home office would I still be able to apply, and do I still need to have an onsite visit/interview?

A visit is still necessary. Sometimes the interview will be held at a common location outside the home office, depending on the situation.


Is the Business sensitive data stored appropriately, or returned to me once approved?

The business sensitive data and application data are all stored within secure servers and facilities. All employees are business professionals with years of ethical business relationships, and full confidential agreements and non-disclosures are enforced as a determinant to employment with NWBOC.


Does my company have to be profitable with clients to apply?

No, we are only certifying that the designated Owner(s) is whom they say they are, that they fall into one of the certification categories of individuals, and that uninterrupted control is within the possession of this owner. Certifications are tools to assist in generating revenue and new clients through the benefits found within the benefits section of our website, and our proprietary database of certified business entities and corporate sponsors.


Why are there so many sensitive documents necessary to become certified?

The legal business structure documents are the framework of any business entity, and these agreements and other internal documents are necessary to provide a clear line of compliance with NWBOC and the SBA minimum eligibility requirements and standards for the certification programs.


What are NAICS codes, where do I find them, and how do I know if I fall into WOSB or EDWOSB or neither?

NAICS codes are North American Industry Classification System that are 6 digit codes that were put into place as tracking mechanisms across different federal and state entities for contract tracking and reporting purposes. You will find 1 NAICS code within your business tax filings, and the remainder of your NAICS codes are presented within your Assertions portion of your System for Award Management Registration which is a requirement for all transactional interactions with any federal entity involving payment or funding. You can find a listing of the certification specific NAICS codes for WOSB and EDWOSB in PDF format or at www.sba.gov/contracting or at www.census.gov.

NWBOC is the first national certifier of WBEs and provides national certification for women and veteran-owned companies.


Certification ensures that a private, for-profit company is truly owned and controlled by a woman and/or veteran.



Contact Info

Kansas Office

1400 Terradyne Drive,

Suite 309

Andover, Kansas 67002-9211


Michigan Office

401 Hall St. SW, Suite 112G

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Copyright © 2017 | NWBOC | All Rights Reserved.

NWBOC is the first national certifier of WBEs and provides national certification for women and veteran-owned companies.


Certification ensures that a private, for-profit company is truly owned and controlled by a woman and/or veteran.

Contact Info

Kansas Office

1400 Terradyne Drive,

Suite 309

Andover, Kansas 67002-9211


Michigan Office

401 Hall St. SW, Suite 112G

Grand Rapids, MI 49503



Copyright © 2017 | NWBOC | All Rights Reserved.